Banking Coaching:

Banking Coaching in Bangalore

Banking Sector is one of the maximum reputed sector recruiting applicants for posts like Bank Po, Bank Clerk. Specialist Officers and so on. Being one of the coveted exams, Bank Exams are not only difficult but very tough to clear. A range of Public Sector Banks hire Candidates thru multiple Bank Exams which includes IBPS POIBPS ClerkSBI POSBI Clerk,SBI SO, and so on.Considering the importance of those exams, Our coaching institute Provide best Coaching candidates with the best satisfactory route content materials, dedicated faculty and effective Study guidelines through for all Banking exams. ( BEST BANKING COACHING IN BANGALORE MARATHAHALLI )

Prasad’s Banking SSC & CDS Coaching Institute is our step to become a Bank Exam Coaching Centers in Bangalore that will assist you in acheiving your dreams.what ever be the path you want to be Bank,  (IBPSSBIRBI, LICNIACL ), we got you covered. We desire to make competitive entrance exam preparation guidance affordable for those students who have loads of talent but remain deprived of quality study material due to high cost. Every student has been given special care in order to assist them in attaining subject knowledge. Special care will be given to non mathematical background students by teaching Vedic mathematics, which helps our students to develop their speed and accuracy in solving the problems related to Aptitude. In current days, Most of the coaching institutes in Bangalore fails to provide the quality teaching especially in Staff Selection Commission. We provide high class materials, Hand outs in regular basis with different scenarios related to the topics in order to assist the students to crack the exams. We teach our students quick and accurate methods via Vedic mathematics which consist of additions, subtractions, multiplications, divisions, squares, cubes, square roots, cube roots, percentages, ratios. Vedic mathematics helps the students in solving the problems without the use of paper work in no time.we are located at student’s hub of BANGALORE MARATHAHALLI,A place near to BELLANDUR, WHITEFIELD, ITPL, K.R.PURAM, TIN FACTORY, MAHADEVAPURA, HAL, BOMMANAHALLI, SARJAPURA, KUNDANAHALLI, AECS LAYOUT, BEML LAYOUT, BROOKFIELD, VARTHUR, SIDDAPURA, KADUBISANAHALLI, DODDANEKUNDI, KALYAN NAGAR, RAMAMURTHY NAGAR, NAGAVARA,

Applications are invited from eligible Indian Citizens for  State Bank of India. Candidates can apply for vacancies in one State only. Candidates can appear for the test only once under this recruitment project. The candidates applying for vacancies of a particular State, should be proficient (reading, writing, speaking and understanding) in the specified opted local language of that State (mentioned in the under given vacancy table against each state/UT). The test for knowledge of specified opted local language will be conducted as a part of selection process. It will be conducted after qualifying the online main examination but before joining the Bank. Candidates who fail to qualify the language test will not be offered appointment. Candidates who produce 10th or 12th standard mark sheet/ certificate evidencing having studied the specified opted local language will not be required to undergo the language test. 

1. ( ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA) Best Banking Coaching In Bangalore

A. Age Limit: (As on 01.01.2020)

Not below 20 years and not above 28 years as on 01.01.2020, i.e candidates must have been born not earlier than 02.01.1992 and not later than 01.01.2000 (both days inclusive).


The selection process will consist of on-line test (preliminary & main exam) and test of specified opted local language.

Phase-I: Preliminary Examination: Online Preliminary Exam consisting of Objective Tests for 100 marks will be conducted online. This test would be of 1-hour duration consisting of 3 Sections as follows:

SI.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMax. MarksDuration
1Engilsh language303020 min.
2Nuerical Ability353520min.
3Reasoning Ability353520min.

Each test will have a separate timing as mentioned above. There will be negative marks for wrong answers in the Objective tests. 1/4th of mark assigned for question will be deducted for each wrong answer. No minimum qualifying marks are prescribed for individual test OR for aggregate score.

Adequate number of candidates in each category as decided by the Bank (approximately 10 times the numbers of vacancies. subject to availability) will be shortlisted for the Main Exam from the list of all candidates arranged in descending order of aggregate marks scored.

Phase – II: Main Examination: Structure of Online Main Exam would be as follows:

SI.Name of TestNo. of QuestionsMax. MarksDuration
1General/ Financial Awareness 505035 min.
2General English 404035 min.
3 Quantitative Aptitude 505045 min.
4Reasoning Ability & Computer Aptitude506045 min.
 Total1902002 Hr. 40 min

The questions in objective tests, except for the test of General English, will be bilingual i.e., English & Hindi. There will be negative marks for wrong answers in the Objective tests. 1/4th of mark assigned for question will be deducted for each wrong answer.

Candidates are required to score a minimum percentage marks on aggregate (For SC/ST/OBC/PWD/XS candidates, 5% relaxation available thereon). Minimum qualifying marks on aggregate will be decided by the bank. No minimum qualifying marks for individual subject are prescribed. Merit list will be drawn State wise, category wise. Candidates qualified in the test (main examination) will be placed according to their aggregate marks in descending order in respective States and Categories.

3. APPLICATION FEE AND INTIMATION CHARGE: (Non-Refundable) Best Banking Coaching In Bangalore

SI.Category Fee/ intimation Charges
1 SC/ ST/ PWD/ XS Nill
2General/ OBC/ EWS Rs 750/-