Daily Quiz 19th Feb 2020 Welcome to your Daily Quiz 19th Feb 2020 Name 1. Which of the following is least likely to be an effect of global warming? Increased frequency of hurricanes Loss of fertile delta region as for agriculture Decreased rate of photosynthesis in vegetation Shrinking of the polar ice regions None 2. The first protocol to ban the emissions of choloro fluorocarbons in the atmosphere was made in _____. Montreal Osaka Geneva Florida None 3. Global warming is expected to result in Increase in sea level Change in crop pattern Change in coastal line All of these None 4. What is the biggest source of pollution in the world? Sewage and Garbage Automobile Laxity Herbicide and Insecticide Industrial Tributaries None 5. Due to growing demand of which of the following product, tropical forest are being damaged the most- Pork Sugar Meat of Goat Beef None 6. The Ozone hole over Antarctica was discovered in- 1975 1985 1978 1987 None 7. Which has the maximum rate of deforestation? Tropical Zonet Desert Zone Temperate Zone Northern Fores None 8. What is the reason of degradation of climate of Maldives? Continuous soil erosion High population density Industrial pollution of air and water All of these None 9. Which of the following aquatic plant is effective in preventing the water-pollution caused by industrial waste? Water Hyacinth Elephant Grass Parthenium Elephant Grass and Parthenium None 10. The largest ecosystem of earth is Biome Hydrosphere Lithosphere Biosphere None 11. Which of the following is an important Greenhouse Gas? Carbon Dioxide Chlorofluorocarbon Carbon Monoxide Freon None 12. What is the ecological system integrating all living beings and their relationships? Total Wild Life Biosphere Lithosphere Hydrosphere None 13. When was the World Wildlife Fund founded? 1969 1992 1961 1965 None 14. Where is the secretariat of the Conference on Biological Diversity? London Italy Montreal Toronto None 15. How many times Shivaji plundered Surat? Four Times Once Thrice Twice None 16. In which year, Shivaji was crowned as the Chhatrapati? 1608 1646 1674 1710 None 17. Bajirao I (1720–1740 AD) was the ruler of which dynasty? Nanda Peshwas Haryanka Maurya None 18. Which among the following was the capital of Shivaji? Poona Raigarh Singhgarh Panhala None 19. Identify the European power from whom Shivaji obtained cannons and ammunition: The French The Portuguese The Dutch The English None 20. The guerilla warfare was pioneered by Aurangzeb Akbar Shivaji Balaji Rao None 21. After the death of Rajaram in 1700 A.D., Marathas continued the war against the Mughals under his brave wife Tarabai Lakshmi bai Ramabi Jijabai None 22. Under the administration of Shivaji, “Peshwa” was referred to as- Minister of Religious Affairs Minister of Defence Chief Minister Minister of Justice None 23. Chhatrapati Sambhaji (1680–1688 AD) was the ruler of which dynasty? Maratha Nanda Haryanka Maurya None 24. Baji Rao II (1796-1818 A.D.) Was the ruler of which dynasty? Nanda Haryanka Maurya Peshwas None 25. Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj (1674–1680 AD) was the ruler of which dynasty? Nanda Haryanka Maurya Maratha None Time's up