exam on Biosphere Re serves Welcome to your exam on Biosphere Re serves Name Email 1.Where is Nanda Devi National Park & Biosphere Reserve ? a) Uttarakhand b) Tamil Nadu c) Meghalaya d) West Bengal None 2.Where is Gulf of Mannar ? a) Uttarakhand b) Tamil Nadu c) Meghalaya d) West Bengal None 3.Where is Nokrek Biosphere Reserve ? a) Uttarakhand b) Tamil Nadu c) Meghalaya d) West Bengal None 4.Where is Sundarbans Biosphere Reserve ? a) Uttarakhand b) Tamil Nadu c) Meghalaya d) West Bengal None 5.Where is Manas Biosphere Reserve ? a) Uttarakhand b) Assam c) Meghalaya d) West Bengal None 6.Where is Simlipal Biosphere Reserve ? a) Odisha b) Assam c) Meghalaya d) West Bengal None 7.Where is Dihang-Dibang Biosphere Reserve ? a) Odisha b) Assam c) Meghalaya d) Arunachal Pradesh None 8.Where is Pachmarhi Biosphere Reserve ? a) Odisha b) Madhya Pradesh c) Meghalaya d) Arunachal Pradesh None 9.Where is Achanakmar-Amarkantak Biosphere Reserve ? a) Chhattisgarh b) Madhya Pradesh c) A & B d) Arunachal Pradesh None 10.Where is Nilgiri Biosphere Reserve ? a) Tamil Nadu, b) Kerala c) Karnataka d) A,B & C None Time's up