exam on Founders and Last Rulers of Dynasties Welcome to your exam on Founders and Last Rulers of Dynasties Name Email 1.Who among the following was the founder of the Rashtrakuta dynasty? 1. Dhruva 2. Dhantidurga 3. Govinda III 4. Amoghavarsha None 2.Pulakesin I was the founder of ______ dynasty of South India. 1. Chera 2. Pandya 3. Chalukya 4. Chola None 3.Who among the following was the founder of the Shunga Dynasty (185 BC - 73 BC)? 1. Bhagabhadra 2. Agnimitra 3. Vasumitra 4. Pushyamitra None 4.Who was the founder of the reform movement, Arya Samaj? 1. Swami Dayananda Saraswati 2. Raja Ram Mohan Roy 3. Anand Mohan Bose 4. MG Ranade None 5.Who was the founder of Brahmo Samaj in 1828, at Calcutta? 1. Swami Dayanand Saraswati 2. Ram Singh 3. Raja Ram Mohan Roy 4. HN Kunzru None 6.Who was the first ruler of Ilbari dynasty (Delhi Sultanate)? 1. Qutubuddin Aibak 2. Ghiyasuddin Tughlaq 3. Iltutmish 4. Raziya Sultan 4. Raziya Sultan None 7.Gautamiputra Shri Satakarni was a ruler of which dynasty? 1. Rashtrakuta 2. Satavahana 3. Chola 4. Chera None 8.Which of the following universities was founded by Kumaragupta, the ruler of the Gupta dynasty? 1. Delhi University 2. Nalanda University 3. Pune University 4. Taxila University None 9.Harshavardhana (r. 606-647 CE) was a ruler of __________ dynasty. 1. Mughal 2. Maurya 3. Gupta 4. Pushyabhuti None 10.Who among the following was the first ruler of the Gupta dynasty to adopt the grand title of Maharaj-adhiraja? 1. Skandagupta 2. Samudragupta 3. Chandragupta I 4. Vishnugupta None 11.Kanishka was a ruler of ______ dynasty. 1. Mughal 2. Maurya 3. Kushana 4. Gupta None 12.Name the only Female Muslim ruler of India. 1. Khawla bint al-Azwar 2. Khadīja 3. Razia Sultana 4. Nusaybah bint Ka'ab None 13.Rani Rudrama Devi was a famous ruler of the ______ dynasty. 1. Pandya 2. Kakatiya 3. Chola 4. Chera None 14.Who among the following was the last ruler of Lodi dynasty of Delhi? 1. Ibrahim Lodi 2. Sikander Lodi 3. Barbak Shah 4. Bahlul Lodi None 15.Who among the following was the last ruler of the Nanda dynasty? 1. Dhanananda 2. Panduka 3. Govishanaka 4. Kaivarta None 16.Who among the following was the last ruler of Chera Dynasty? A. Ravi Rama Varma B. Bhaskara Ravi Varma III C. Vira Kerala D. Rama Varma Kulashekhara None Time's up