full forms

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Q.1. What is the full form of NCRB? SSC CHSL 09/03/2023 (4th Shift)

Q.2. What is the full form of RPG? SSC CHSL 20/03/2023 (1st Shift)

Q.3. What is the full form of IADP? SSC CGL 18/07/2023 (4th shift)

Q.4. With respect to sports, NADA stands for ______. SSC MTS 13/06/2023 (Afternoon)

Q.5. With respect to social groups in India, PVTG stands for_______________ . SSC MTS 16/05/2023 (Evening)

Q.6. With respect to sports, WADA stands for______________ . SSC MTS 20/06/2023 (Evening

Q.7. What is the full form of SACS that implements The National Aids Control Organisation(NACO) programme at state level in India? DP H.C.M. 17/10/2022 (Morning)

Q.8. What is the full form of NFWP, launched by the Central Government of India on 14 November 2004? DP H.C.M. 12/10/2022 (Afternoon)

Q.9. What is the full form of ESIC, which is an autonomous body created by the law under the Ministry of Labour and Employment, Government of India? RRC Group D 30/09/2022 (Afternoon)

Q.10. TANWA was a project initiated in the late 1980’s in Tamil Nadu to train women in latest agricultural techniques and organic farming. What is the full form of TANWA? RRB NTPC CBT - II (13/06/2022) Shift 1

Q.11. What is the full form of SJSRY in relation to self-employment programmes implemented by the government of India in 1997? RRB NTPC CBT - II (13/06/2022) Shift 2

Q.12. What is the full form of JNNURM? RRB NTPC CBT - I (13/01/2021) Evening

Q.13. In Pradhan Mantri Gramin DISHA (PMGDISHA) Programme, DISHA stands for: RRB NTPC CBT - I (18/01/2021) Morning

Q.14. NCSM is an autonomous organization under the Ministry of Culture. What is the full form of NCSM? RRB NTPC CBT - I (25/01/2021) Morning

Q.15. What is the full form of NASSCOM? RRB NTPC CBT - I (03/02/2021) Morning

Q.16. The full form of NRDWP is: RRB NTPC CBT - I (01/03/2021) Morning

Q.17. Hyderabad is known as a ‘HITEC City’, What is the full form of ‘HITEC’? RRB NTPC CBT - I (23/07/2021) Morning

Q.18. Which of the following is the full form of ASCII?

Q.19. What is the full form of BASIC in context of the BASIC computer language? SSC CHSL 16/10/2020 (Afternoon)

Q.20. To create scientific temperament, innovation amongst the Indian students, the Central Government started an ATL lab.

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