percentage test 3

Welcome to your percentage test 3

1. The pressure of a definite mass of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature and inversely proportional to the volume under the given conditions. If temperature is increased by 40% and the volume is decreased by 20% then the new pressure will :

2. A computer typist types a page with 20 lines in 10 minutes but he leaves 8 % margin on the left side of the page. Now he has to types 23 pages with 40 lines on each page and l ea v e s 2 5 % mo r e mar g i n than before. How much time is now required to type these 23 pages.

3. In Sabarmati Express, there are as many wagons as there are the no. of seats in each wagon and not more than one passanger can have the same berth (seat). If the middlemost compartment carrying 25 passangers is filled with 71.428% of its capacity, then find the maximum no. of passangers in the train that can be accommodated if it has minimum 20% seats always vacant.

4. In the half yearly exam only 70% of the students were passed. Out of these (passed in half yearly) only 60% student are passed in annual exam. Out of those who did not pass the half yearly exam, 80% passed in annual exam. What per cent of the students passed the annual exam?

5. The monthly income of a person was Rs. 13,500 and his monthly expenditure was Rs. 9,000. Next year his income increased by 14 % and his expenditure increased by 7%. The percent increase in his savings was :

6. In an office there were initially n employees. The HR manager first hired p% employees then after a month q% employees left the office, then there were finally n employees remained in the office, the value of p – q is:

7. The amount of work in Rajesh Readers Publication is increased by 50%. By what per cent is it necessary to increase the number of workers to complete the new amount of work in previously planned time, if the productivity of the new labour is 25% more.

8. The number of students who opted for I T course decreased by 23%. If the number is 1540 now, then original number of students opting for IT course was:

9. If the height of a cone is increased by 200%, then its volume will be increased by:

10. In an examination A got marks 10% less than B, B got marks 25% more than C, C got marks 20% less than D. If A got 360 marks out of 500, then D got marks:

11. The number of seat in a cinema hall is increased by 25%. the cost of a ticket is also increased by 10%. The overall percentage increase in the revenue is:

12. If the price of sugar is decreased by 20%, a person can buy 2 kg more sugar for 360 rupees. Find the original and present price of sugar/kg.

13. In an exam 900 girls 1100 boys appeared. In which 40% of girls and 50% of the boys passed the exam. Find the percentage of failed students.

14. In a 200 grams mixture of water, spirit and alcohol the quantity of water, spirit, alcohol are 20%, 30% and 50% respectively. If 20 gm alcohol is added to the mixture and the quantity of water be doubled in the mixture then find their respective ratio of their quantities in the mixture.

15. In an election there were only three candidates. 10% of the total votes could not be cast and 10,000 votes were found invalid. The winning candidate got 52% of the valid votes and the candidate at third position got 12% votes. If the candidate at second position got 28800 votes, then find the total number of votes.

16. In an election there are three candidates. The winning candidate got 55% votes and the candidate at the third place got 5% of the votes. If the winning candidate win by 9000 votes then find total number of votes while no vote was invalid.

17. While measuring the base of triangle it has been taken in 40% excess and its height was measured 40% less. Find the percentage change in its area.

18. If the ratio of length, breadth and height of cuboid is 1:2:3. If the length, breadth and height are increased by 100%, 200% and 200% respectively. Then how much the volume of the cuboid will increase?

19. In a co-educational school the number of girls is 15 more than that of boys. If the number of girls increase by 10% and the number of boys increase by 16% then the difference between number of girls and boys remains 9. Find the total number of students in the school.

20. The price of a weekly magzine be Rs. 90. There is a 30% discount on becoming a customer of 51 magzines while a 25% discount to the customer of 26 magzines. Find the difference of the price of a magzine for a customer of 51 magzines and a customer of 26 magzines.

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