ports test

Welcome to your ports test

Q.1. How many non-major (minor) ports are there in India as on 31st October 2022 ? SSC CHSL 17/03/2023 (3rd Shift)

Q.2. The jawahar lal Nehru Port is located at :

Q.3. Which of the following is the busiest International seaport in India ?

Q.4. Which is the oldest among the major ports in India ?

Q.5. What was the previous name of Jawaharlal Nehru Port (JNPT) ?

Q.6. Which port in India has a free trade zone ?

Q.7. Which port is the deepest in India?

Q.8. What is the largest container port in India?

Q.9. What is the second-largest container port in India?

Q.10 . Which is the largest artificial port in India ?

Q.11. Which is the largest port in India by the volume of cargo handled ?

Q.12. Which is India’s largest port by size and shipping traffic?

Q.13. Which is the Second-busiest port in India after Jawaharlal Nehru Port?

Q.14. Which Indian port handles the export of iron and aluminum to Southeast Asian Countries?

Q.15. Which Organization provides integrated dredging services to the major ports in India?

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