questions on important sports terms and governor-general and viceroy of india

Welcome to your questions on important sports terms and governor-general and viceroy of india

Q.1. Hook Pass Term belongs to which sports?

Q.2. The term ‘Punter’ is related to which game?

Q.3. Bull’s Eye is a term linked to which sport?

Q.4 Participants in this sport are called Pugilist.

Q.5. The term ‘Butterfly Strokes’ is associated with which of the following?

1.Which British governor ended the Dual System of Government in Bengal?

2.The Governor of a state is appointed by the ______.

3.Who became the first Governor–General of India in 1773?

4.Richard Wellesley was the Governor – General of India from ______.

5.Who was the Governor-General of India when the permanent settlement was introduced in 1793?

6.Who among the following British Viceroys partitioned Bengal in 1905?

7.Who was the Viceroy of India when Morley- Minto Reforms were introduced?

8.In which year was the partition of Bengal carried out by the British Viceroy Lord Curzon?

9.In 1877, which of the following viceroys organised a durbar to acknowledge Queen Victoria as the Empress of India?

10.Which of the following Viceroys of India addressed the Bengal famine of 1943 by ordering the army to distribute relief supplies to the starving rural Bengalis?

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