Idioms test 1

Welcome to your Idioms test 1

In the following questions, four alternatives are given for the Idiom/Phrase printed in bold in the sentence. Choose the alternative that best expresses the meaning of the Idiom/Phrase.

1. The team put their plan into execution the very next day.

2. Mrs. Nayak opened the discussion on the “alarming rate of poverty in India”.

3. The course of events made it necessary for Joseph to start working.

4. The new law on “Right to Food Safety” will come into force next month.

5. When the girl wanted to stay out past midnight, her father put his foot down.

6. In all likelihood, the missing boy has run away to the forest

7. The parents were completely in the dark concerning their daughter's plans.

8. I am in touch with the police, and they will be here in ten minutes.

9. I stumbled upon some interesting old letters in my Grandfather's desk.

10. The secretary made an entry of the arrangement.

11. Hornet's nest

12. Never-never land

13. Cap it all

14. Like a sitting duck

15. Pull your socks up

16. The stunt that I recently attempted was a piece of cake

17. The boy broke the window and took to his heels.

18. I pledged myself to serve the king faithfully.

19. There is a crying need for improvements to our public transport system.

20. In an old bookshop, I happened to light upon a volume that belonged to my grandfather.

21. Facts spoke louder than words at the Company meeting where the Director tried to paint a rosy picture of the Company's financial health.

22. By initiating the fight with Sakshi in office, Kajal had killed the goose that lay the golden egg.

23. I let the chips fall where they may and do not worry too much about what I want to do next.

24. After trying hard to convince Narendra to change his ways, Raman realised that a leopard cannot change its spots.

25. Before starting work on our new project, our mentor told us to not count our chickens before they hatched.

26. Although Ravi felt lonely in his fight against the wrong, he decided to take the bull by the horns.

27. As the situation got out of control, the speaker of the parliament tried to put oil over troubled waters.

28. The researcher tried his best to explain the importance of his new discovery to the panel members but soon realized that he was casting pearls before a swine.

29. The chairman had to eat a humble pie after the workers decided to go on strike to protest against the biased promotions.

30. The bankrupt organisation has been handed over to its new owners, lock, stock and barrels.

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