idioms test 2 Welcome to your idioms test 2 Name Email 1. Shyam can't afford to buy that car! (It costs an arm and a leg) (a) something that can be found rarely (b) something very expensive (c) something very cheap (d) something that is easily available (e) none of the above None 2. He found her dream house and has now landed an amazing job. He really does have the best of both worlds. (a) to have lots of money to make the things done (b) you can enjoy two different opportunities at the same time (c) to play tricks in order to achieve targets (d) to bribe someone (e) to be honest None 3. She might not be the most attractive but you can't ( judge a book by its cover). I'm sure she is a sweetheart. (a) to prove someone innocent (b) to make someone a cheater (c) to not judge someone or something based solely on appearance (d) to select a book by seeing its contents (e) to select a book by its quantity None 4. John is just never on time to work, it's really irritating. O wow, speak of the devil here she come. (a) the person you're talking about actually turns out to be angry (b) the person you're talking about actually turns out to be happy (c) the person you're just talking about actually turns up at that moment (d) the person you're talking about actually turns out to be celebrating (e) none of the above None 5. We missed our flight to Paris because the connecting flight was late and to add insult to injury they made us pay for a new ticket as if it was our fault! (a) to be compensated (b) to make a situation worse (c) to be reprimanded (d) to be praised (e) to be ruined None 6. John keeps drawing on fancy about the banking job in government sector. (a) Use imagination (b) Do the things beautifully (c) Make clear conclusion about anything or anyone (d) Likes government jobs (e) None of these None 7. After reading the story time and again we are finally reading between the lines. (a) Reading to entertain others (b) Understanding the hidden meaning (c) Reading only to show someone else about your style of reading. (d) Reading to clear the exam (e) None of these None 8. Failing in exam again and again even after putting all the hard work is bad blood. (a) Consume time and affects the health (b) The aspirants become unhealthy (c) The aspirants do not take interest (d) Create angry feeling (e) None of these None 9. Alice is very good at quant, but when she was watching a teacher’s video she was taking it with a grain of salt. (a) She was enjoying the video (b) To listen to something with considerable doubt (c) She was listening with full attention (d) She was not listening with full attention (e) None of these None 10. The boy broke the window and took to his heels. (a) The boy ran into the window. (b) The boy broke the window and ran away. (c) The boy broke the window and fell on his heels. (d) The boy broke the window with his heels. (e) None of these None To have bigger fish to fry (1) To have an interest in cooking (2) To know different kinds of fishing techniques (3) To take calculated risks (4) To have bigger things to take care of than the menial task at hand None 12.Break a leg (1) Give advice on maintaining physical health. (2) Encourage someone to engage in risky activities. (3) Suggest taking a short break during work. (4) Wish someone good luck before a performance. None 13. To steal from a shop (1) Golden opportunity (2) Green thumb (3) Five-finger discount (4) Black sheep None 14.bite the bullet (1) Enjoy a delicious meal (2) Face a difficult situation with courage (3) Avoid confrontation (4) Give someone a piece of advice None 15.Care a hang (1) Hanging clothes to dry (2) Putting an outfit on a hanger (3) Caring too much (4) Showing no interest None 16.tried very hard A. 1) faced the music (2) drew the line (3) moved heaven and earth (4) ran like clockwork None 17.Hit the nail on the head (1) They are experiencing a headache. (2) They have accurately identified or explained something. (3) They're uncertain about a decision. (4) They hit a nail with a hammer. None read between the line (1) To underline some words (2) To read differently (3) To read aloud to public (4) To understand more than what the words suggest None 19. Jump the gun (1) To start all over again (2) Using a gun for sports (3) To stop a process (4) To do something too soon and too quickly None 20.A dime a dozen (1) Variety of amenities (2) Something common and not special (3) Very wealthy (4) A fair trade None Time's up