percentage test 4

Welcome to your percentage test 4

1. The price of a chair is 400 rupees more than that of a table. If the price of 6 chairs and 6 tables be Rs. 4800. Then find how much percentage the price of a table is less than that of a chair.

2. Bhuvnesh purchased a house for Rs. 1,00,000 and give it on rent. He spends 12.5% of rent amount on the repair work and spends Rs. 325, per annum and then he earns a profit of 5.5% annually on his investment. Then find his monthly rent :

3. From the salary of an officer 10% is deducted for house rent. He spends 20% of the remaining on food. He pays 20% income tax of the remaining and he also spends 10% of the remaining on clothes. If at lest he is left with Rs. 15552. Find his total salary.

4. In an examination there were 37 1/2 % girls. Only 62 1/2 % of the total girls and 75% boys were passed. If number of failed girls be 342 then find the number of failed boys

5. In an eleciton 30% of the voters voted to A and 60% of the remaining voted to B. and the remaining did not cast their vote. If the difference of the number of voters voted to A and those who do not voted at all is 1200. If no vote was declared invalid. Find the number of voters who have the right to vote in this election.

6. In a bag there are 600 coins of 25 paisa and 1200 coins of 50 paisa. If 12% coins of 25 paisa and 24% coins of 50 paisa are taken out the bag. Then find how much percentage of the total amount has been taken out from the bag?

7. In an exam 70% of the students passed from school A. In school B, number of students appeared was 20% more than that of A and the number of passed student was 50% more than that of A. Find the percentage of students passed from school B.

8. A shopkeeper sold his cooler at 10% discount on the marked price. If he had given 12% discount on the marked price, the profit of the shopkeeper would have been Rs. 35 less. Find the marked price of the cooler.

9. When water is freezed to ice its volume increased by 9%. If the ice is melted into water how much percent its volume will reduce.

10. 30 quintal is what percent of 2 metric tones ?

11. When Rajesh was asked to draw an angle of 45°on paper, he draws an angle of 45° 27’ . Find the percentage error made by Rajesh

12. In a group of students, 70 % can speak English and 65 % can speak Hindi. if 27 % of the students can speak none of the two languages, then what per cent of the group can speak both the languages ?

13. In an exhibition by Rajesh Publication theentry ticket was sold for Rs. 5.Later on it was decreased by20%. As a result the collectionamount from ticket selling increased by 44%. Find the percentage increase in the number of visitors

14. In a rectangle ‘a’ represents breadth and ‘b’ length. If the breadth is decreased by 20% and the length is increased by 10% then what percentage the new area will be in comparison with the area ‘ab’?

15. A house costing Rs. 133100 was constructed on a piece of land costing Rs. 72900. In what time will the cost of both be same if the cost of land is increasing by 10% anually while the cost of house is decreasing 10% annually?

16. In an exam, Bhuvnesh scores 25% of the total marks and failed by 60 marks. Another student Saurabh in the same exam scores 50% of total marks and thus gets 40 marks more than passing marks. Then by how much % the passing marks should be increased to get full marks in the exam ?

17. Four students A, B, C & D, sit in an exam. A gets 50% more marks than B, B gets 16 2/3 % more than C, and C gets 33 1/3 % more than D. If A gets 350 marks, and the maximum marks of the exam are 600. Find percentage marks of D

18. 49 % of the sodiers of a cantonment speak Hindi and 36% speak English and 15% speak both Hindi and English. If 900 soldiers do not speak any of the languages, then find how many soldiers speak only English :

19. If population of a village is 2000, if population increases by 10% in Ist two years and by 5% in last 3 years, then determine the population of village after 5 years (approx):

20. The price of a ticket of a circus is 12. When the price of the ticket is reduced, then the no. of visitors increases by 80%, and hence total earnings of circus increases by 20%. Find the current price of a ticket ?

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