percentage test 5 Welcome to your percentage test 5 Name Email 1. A person spends 25% of his total income on clothes and 20% of the remaining on food. If he saves Rs. 3600 out of his total income, then find his total income and also his expenditure on clothes : (a) 6000, 2000 (b) 5000, 1250 (c) 6000, 1500 (d) 8000, 2000 None 2. Due to a decrease of 20% in the price of mangoes, a man is now able to buy 10 mangoes more for Rs.5. Find the current and initial number of the mangoes bought in 1 rupees: (a) 10, 8 (b) 10, 6 (c) 8, 6 (d) 12, 10 None 3. The total population of a village is 8400 out of which the ratio of males and females is 43 : 41. 80% of the males are literate and 40% of the females are illiterate. Find the literacy % of that village? (a) 75 5/21 % (b) 70 5/21 % (c) 72 5/23 % (d) None of these None 4. In an election two candidates participate and 10% of the voters did not vote and out of total votes polled, 2000 votes declared invalid. The winner gets 52% of the total votes on voting list and wins by 13200 votes. Find the no. of votes polled in favour of losing candidate? (a) 28400 (b) 32600 (c) 26200 (d) 30400 None 5. It is necessary to obtain 40% marks to pass an exam. A obtains 10% less marks than pass marks. B obtains 11 1/9 % less marks than A, and C obtains 41 3/17 % less marks than A & B. Then find C qualified the exam or not? (a) No (b) Yes (c) can’t be determined (d) None of these None 6. The ratio of the boys and girls sitting in an examination is 16 : 9. The ratio of boys and girls that passed the exam is 4 : 3. If 75% girls passed in the exam then find the % age of boys who pass the exam and also find the total percentage of students that passed in the exam? (a) 56.25 %, 61% (b) 56.25 %, 65% (c) 56.25%, 67 % (d) 56.25%, 63 % None 7. In an exam, a student is asked to divide 7.5 by 8.3 and finding the quotient upto 3 places of decimal, but by mistake he divide 8.3 by 7.5 and finds the quotient upto 2 places of decimal. Find the error % (approx)? (a) 21.8 % (b) 20.7 % (c) 24.2 % (d) 22.3 % None 8. A survey carried out on N no. of people of an institution reveals that 60% people drinks tea, and when survey was carried out on the other extra P no. of people of same institution, then it was found that all the people drinks tea. Then it was also found that 70% of both types of people P and N drinks tea. Find out N is what % of P: (a) 200 % (b) 150 % (c) 250 % (d) 300 % None 9. The radius of a shpere is 20 cm. Find out, its surface area is how much % of its volume ? (a) 15 % (b) 18 % (c) 20 % (d) 19 % None 10. In an election 10% voters did not participate in an election and 1200 votes are found invalid. The winner gets 68% of total voting list and he won by 56400 votes. Find the votes polled in favour of former (losing) candidate ? (a) 24200 (b) 24800 (c) 25200 (d) 26500 None 11. The ratio of expenditure and savings of Rajesh is 8 : 5. 20% of the expenditure is on food and 40% is made on clothes. 60% of the savings he deposited in bank. Find the amount spent on clothes is what % of his bank deposited? (a) 104 2/3 % (b) 103 2/3 % (c) 106 2/3 % (d) 101 2/3 % None 12. In a village 2/3rd are males and rest are females. 80% of males and 70% of females are literate. 40% of literate males and 30% of literate females are graduates. 20% of graduate males and 25% of graduate females are in a government job. Find the no. of males and females are in government service is what % of total population of the village : (a) 5.8 % (b) 6.01 % (c) 5.09 % (d) 6.20 % None 13. In a school 40% of the students play football and 50% play cricket. If 18% of the students neithter play football nor cricket, the percentage of the students playing both football and cricket is : (a) 40 % (b) 32 % (c) 22 % (d) 8 % None 14. In an examination, 52 % of the candidates failed in English a n d 4 2 % f a i l e d i n Mathematics. If 17 % percent failed in both the subjects, t h e n t h e perc e n t a g e o f candidates, who passed in both the subjects, was: (a) 23 (b) 21 (c) 25 (d) 22 None 15. In an assembly elecition, a candidate got 55 % of the total valid votes. 2 % of the total votes were declared invalid. If the total number of voters is 104000, then the number of valid votes polled in favour of the candidate is : (a) 56506 (b) 56650 (c) 56560 (d) 56056 (a) 56506 (b) 56650 (c) 56560 (d) 56056 None 16. Australia scored a total of x runs in 50 overs. India tied the scores in 20 % less overs . If India's average run rate had been 33.33 % higher the scores would have been tied 10 overs earlier. Find how many runs were scored by Australia : (a) 250 (b) 240 (c) 200 (d) Can not be determined None 17. In a group of N people 60 % of them prefer tea. All the people of group P prefer tea. Then it is also found that 70 % of both group prefer tea. Find what N of P: (a) 250 % (b) 200 % (c) 300 % (d) 350 % None 18. 75 % students of section A got passed and 82 % students of section B got passed. 15 % from both the sections got failed. If the total no. of stuents who got passed is 1620. The find the total no. of students and no. of students who got failed only in section A: (a) 1880, 188 (b) 2260, 226 (c) 2200, 400 (d) 2250, 225 None 19 The pressure of a definite mass of a gas is directly proportional to the temperature and inversely proportional to the volume under the given conditions. If temperature is increased by 40 % and the volume is decreased by 20% then the new pressure will: (a) be increased by 75 % (b) reduce to 25% (c) be increase by 20% (d) increase by 28% None 20. A and B have, between them, Rs. 1200. A spends 12% of his money while B spends 20 % of his money. They are then left with a sum that constitutes 85 % of the whole sum. Find what amount is left with A : (a) Rs. 750 (b) Rs. 800 (c) Rs. 700 (d) Rs. 660 None Time's up